Monday, July 5, 2010

another take on the way it's going to play out.,0,7184862.story

Great stuff...

"Fiscal policy does not work. The US has just tried the biggest fiscal experiment in history and it has failed. What matters is the quantity of money and in extremis that can be increased easily by quantititave easing."

Hoping for a better day...

Nice synopsis of the SCOTUS last view on the Commerce Clause.  We all know that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Rahm Emanuel and his fuckingidiotboss all think that the Commerce Clause will cover the mandate to buy insurance.  Oh, really?

I hope they are all wrong.  I hope they all rot in hell.  I hope this all happens soon.

President Shit for Brains has done it again...

I can't make this shit up.  His team has got to be the most hysterically stupid bunch of human beings, ever.

Fucking stupid, idiots.